Plastic Recycling Plant

Plastic Recycling Plant

Plastic Recycling Plant

We offer exclusive Plastic Recycling Plants which helps in increasing profitability and which will also provide you very best solution for plastic waste. As now a days cost of raw materials are always increasing so ifwe do utilized this plastic waste and make recycled raw material would be cheaper.

Used For Recycling Of Plastic Waste

  • PP
  • HDPE
  • LD
  • LDPE
  • PP
  • PE
  • PVC


  • Output range from 100 kg/hr to 500 kg/hr.
  • Special design of Screw & Barrel
  • Vented Technology
  • Vented Technology
  • Helical gear box
  • Screen Changer (Upon Request)
  • Dewatering system
  • Water Cooled & Air Cooled Die face cutter
  • With Optimum production capacity & lower electricity consumption.

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